I bid ye all a grand welcome to my new website. Awithera means ‘welcome’ in Elvish-Gaelic. A kind of new language I invented for some of the dialogue in my book.
Here you will find details of my books; a little about me, where to buy the books, contact details as well as updates and important events.

My name is Victor L Moore and I am a children’s author specialising in stories of fantasy and magic.
My first published book is entitled ‘The Pentacle of Northumbria’ and is the first story of a trilogy. I have now written the second instalment entitled ‘The Sisterhood of The Dead.’ These books are aimed at the young adult market: 9-14 age groups.
My second published book for younger children is entitled Oily Gasbag Goes A Dancing and is out now, published by Troubador. Please see my BOOK PAGE for more details.
Pentacle Trilogy: These novels invite the reader into a parallel world of light and dark sorcery which they share with Wally and Bessie, my two young teens as the duo find adventure, risk, laughter and sheer excitement, as they meet weird and wonderful new folk, some who take a kindly interest in them and others who look upon them with deep suspicion.
The youngsters who have read it to date are very positive in their kind comments. To view these comments and for further details about books and me, please click on ‘About the Books’ and ‘About the Author.’
‘Oil Gasbag Goes A Dancing’ features Oily himself as a kind of anti-hero; half-goblin, half-everything else, who has very few friends and a feast of magical creatures and characters, most of whom do not like him. Again for further details please click on my BOOK PAGE.
Best Wishes,